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About Our Automotive Core Tools Training Programs


Updated: Feb 28

Successful project work requires knowledge about planning processes and methods and an understanding of the connection between these methods throughout the manufacturing lifecycle of a product.

ENCONA’s core tools training programs show how the individual phases of manufacturing projects are designed, how specific method deployment supports achieving planned results, and how these methods are correctly and efficiently deployed.

To use a simple analogy of working in a bakery, our Core Tools 1, 2, and 3 programs teach you about the different kinds of bread to be made and how to bake them, covering detailed information about both the ingredients and the methods.

The theoretically and methodically correct approach is presented, and exercises are used to work out and discuss important points when considering the practical implementation of the automotive core tools.


3 full days in-person OR 5 half-days online

ID20000 Core Tools l - APQP, FMEA, PPAP

Our Core Tools 1 program is designed for all personnel in project teams for product and process design and development, especially in the areas of planning, pre-production, test and inspection planning, and quality. It deals with project management in the concept and pre-production phase of product and process design and development, and covers the key tools used at this stage, namely:

ID442 VDA + AIAG Harmonized FMEA Basic Training

2 full days in-person OR 4 half-days online

This workshop aims to teach the basics of FMEA using the VDA & AIAG Harmonized FMEA approach and to give practical tips for application.

ID602 VDA Maturity Level Assurance

2 full days in-person OR 4 half-days online

This training imparts knowledge about maturity level methods (assessment, contents, control and report systematics) that are necessary in maturity level regulatory processes in the product engineering process.

ID410 VDA 2 - Production Process & Product Approval

2 full days in-person OR 4 half-days online

The participants learn what efficient sampling to the customer means and how a PPA procedure is successfully deployed and documented in the initial sample report.


3 full days in-person OR 5 half-days online

2 full days in-person OR 4 half-days online

ID21000 Core Tools ll - SPC, MSA, Lean Six Sigma Basics

Our Core Tools 2 program is designed for personnel in project teams for product and process design and development, especially in the areas of planning, pre-production, test and inspection planning, and quality. It covers statistical methods such as SPC (Statistical Process Control) and MSA (Measurement System Analysis) during the in-production phase and the basics of Lean Six Sigma in the developmental and production phases. The following topics are covered during the training:

  • Histogram and Process Capability pp/ppk and cp/cpk

  • Control Charts xbar/R, xbar/S for variables

  • Basics of attribute Charts

  • Gage R&R Studies for variables

  • Lean Six Sigma Principles

  • DMAIC – Define Measure Analyze Improve Control


3 full days in-person OR 5 half-days online

ID22000 Core Tools lll - Problem Solving & G8D, 7 Tools of Quality

Last but not least, an organization needs to define some standard of problem-solving, so that leadership can effectively direct others in the research and resolution of issues. Our Core Tools 3 program is appropriate for all personnel in quality management, quality assurance, and production management, including superior and line leads; and looks at problem-solving with the Global 8D method and the indispensable 7 Tools of Quality:

  1. PFC – Process Flow Chart

  2. Ishikawa Diagram – Cause and Effect Diagram

  3. Check Sheet

  4. Histogram

  5. Control Chart

  6. Pareto Diagram

  7. Scatter Diagram


2 full days in-person OR 4 half-days online

ID417 VDA Automotive Core Tools for Auditors
Using our analogy from earlier - this course shows you how to assess if the correct ingredients and method were used to bake the breads.

This training is aimed at qualified VDA 6.3 process auditors who wish to apply for an extension, as well as prospective IATF System and VDA 6.3 process auditors who are seeking qualification. This training deals with typical audit situations as it relates to the Automotive Core Tools. Both the assessment of the technically correct application of the respective methods and the case-specific assessment of typical situations are central components of the training.

Expertise in Automotive Core Tools is an advantage, so if you don't know how to bake the bread in the first place, then it is recommended that you first take the Core Tools 1, 2 and 3 programs OR take ID415 instead. If you fail ID417, you will be required to take a minimum 2-day Core Tools course AND pass the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools Quiz before you can apply for VDA 6.3 auditor qualification.

ID415 VDA Automotive Core Tools Professional

5 full days in-person or online OR 10 half-days online

This training is mandatory should delegates not pass ID417 when aiming for a VDA 6.3 Auditor Qualification and includes tools such as MLA, APQP, FMEA, VDA 5 and MSA, PPAP, VDA 2 and Production Process and Product Approval, SPC, and problem-solving with the global 8D method.


All the above courses are instructor-led and can be joined in-person or online, by enrolling in one of our public sessions or requesting in-house training.

All ENCONA training seminars are conducted by subject matter experts, who are practitioners in today’s competitive and complex business and manufacturing environment, with vast experience in core tool applications.

When you think about training in management or production systems, think ENCONA.


About Our Automotive Core Tools Training Programs



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