noun: the real place, the place where the actual work is done
use: now adopted in management terminology to mean the ‘workplace’ or the place where value is added
in manufacturing it usually refers to the shop or factory floor
example: to take a genba walk on the floor
GENBA is the key to transporting people from anywhere into the same room, enabling remote management, remote maintenance, remote support and reducing travel.
Meet in a company-branded meeting space
Have a digital twin of the plant on the table in front of you
Bring people from the factory into the meeting and view the factory from their video feed
Work through the process and problem-solve with integrated tools
GENBA is a fully functional virtual reality space entered via goggles, computer, or a smartphone - from anywhere in the world. A complete skin that blankets your physical assets to interface with your factories and people.
It will revolutionize the way you do business.
Customize your platform with our modular approach
Design your virtual campus where you can meet your colleagues with full body tracking and immersive 3D audio
Create a digital twin of your production sites
Incorporate data and video feeds from the production floor into the virtual campus
Create training rooms and bring people from different cities into your training sessions
instantly enter ANY factory from ANYwhere

The GENBA CLASSROOM is a fully functional virtual reality classroom that will allow your participants to enter a learning space from anywhere in the world.
They will have twins of themselves in the environment and will be able to stand, sit, wave, talk, laugh, and be in a space as if they were in a real room. With completely immersive 3D sound there is no real difference between a real room and a virtual room.
With a screen to project from and share slides and documents, it matches a classroom.
When you start being able to use virtual assets you can interact with, this becomes more than a classroom. This will turn your event into a special experience.
virtual classroom

Virtual Reality is all set to eliminate the barrier between the physical and virtual world in the upcoming years. VR tech has allowed industries to operate on a supra-level i.e. enhancing sales and profits by reducing the need for real-time human effort. AR and VR applications are being adopted to improve manufacturing. AR has helped make user experience and results a whole lot better by impacting IoT, manufacturing, and supply chain management – the three important aspects around which manufacturing revolves.
Decrease downtime and provide on-the-job training, allowing single experts to cover more plants.
A clear understanding of physical problems that allows live real-time data for better, faster decisions.
Reduce travel time and related costs while making the most of white-collar headcount.
factory floor portal

Integrate GENBA into your everyday business needs:
We create digital twins of your sites and incorporate them into the platform
We bring data and video feeds from the production floor into the virtual campus.
Meet your colleagues with full body tracking and immersive 3D audio.
We design management meeting spaces with integrated live data.